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Job interview

An important part of the job search process is the job interview. If you've come this far, you've already come a long way. But how can you best prepare for a job interview? And what does it mean if a company uses person profiles or assessment days as part of the hiring process?

Job interview

An important part of the job search process is the job interview. If you've come this far, you've already come a long way. But how can you best prepare for a job interview? And what does it mean if a company uses person profiles or assessment days as part of the hiring process?

If you are invited to a job interview, you have earned it! Either by submitting a great cover letter and a well-made CV or in some other way made an impression that you will be a good match for the position.

Part of the interview is about the personal chemistry between you and the appointments committee. It can be very difficult to do anything about this.

However, there are many other elements of the job interview that you can prepare for and practise beforehand. Let's look into these.

What should I remember at the interview?

There are some specific ”customs” when it comes to job interviews. We hear about them again and again. Some of them are listed here:
Make sure to match the company's "dress code"
Do not show up in shorts and a Metallica t-shirt from 1988 if you have seen in pictures from the workplace that people are usually wearing shirts. On the other hand, you should not put on a tie either, if it looks like the custom is to wear shirts without a tie. In other cases, a washed-out band t-shirt can be the perfect choice.
Show up on time, but not too long in advance
Obviously, you should not be late for an interview – but it does not necessarily give the best impression it you show up a long time in advance. Doing so, you might risk running into some of the other candidates for the job, and there are employers who prefer to avoid this. A rule of thumb is to be there 10 minutes before, and if you arrive earlier, it is a good idea to wait outside for a bit before going in.
Bring notes and cover letter / CV
It can be nice to have some talking points written down on paper from your preparations for the interview – we are also told, that you generally seem more prepared if you bring different materials to the meeting. The notes can also help you remember what you have written in your CV and cover letter and help you avoid too many repetitions or omissions. You should also bring some good letters of recommendation that you would like to present.
You are allowed to have an opinion
Of course, you need to think about how controversial your statement might be. Being provocative is not the aim – it has to be insightful and show perspective, just like your cover letter.
Be yourself
It is an old cliché, and it is extremely difficult to be yourself in a situation that you would like to go well. Luckily there are many ways to ”find yourself” in stressful situations – for example, you can sit down and listen to some music that makes you relax – just for a few minutes before the show begins.
It’s the fact that you are YOU that makes you unique – not a lot of extra props – remember that!
The interview begins as soon as you enter the front door
It is not only your behaviour in the interviewing room that your potential employer is forming their opinion about you. Think about what impression you give, e.g. when being asked to wait in the lobby for a while.
Find out what the job is actually about
You probably know a great deal about the company, its values, strategies and so on, but how much do you actually know about the different tasks of the job you are interviewing for? Seize the opportunity to get to know more about it during the interview. This way it becomes easier for you to talk about how you would solve the tasks on a practical level, and you can be better prepared if you get the job.

Advice for the questions at a job interview

Personality profiles

Many companies use personality profiles such as DiSC, Garuda, Insights, and Neo-pir when they recruit new employees. It helps them find the best possible match to the position. The profiles They can provide a really good (self) insight into your work behaviour, and this can form the basis for a dialogue about how you thrive with certain work methods and tasks, and how you are as a colleague and employee.

What are personality profiles?

Your professional competencies are not the only thing that’s important when you’re searching for a job in Denmark. You personality is also important to Danish employers.

How do you prefer to work, how do you react in certain situations? And does this fit in well in the team and the position?

That’s why a personality profile is a great tool to find out if you’re right for this position – both for your and the employer’s sake.


3 facts about personality profiles:


No right or wrong

There is no one profile type that is better than others, and this is not a test where you can fail or answer incorrectly.


Learn about yourself

The profiles can help you learn more about your behavioral patterns and preferred working methods, and they provide a language to talk about this.


Find the match

The profiles are used to find the best match both for the company and for you.

Assessment days

Some companies use assessment days when hiring new employees. It is a sort of extended job interview. On an assessment day, you will typically, together with other applicants, have to do various tasks and tests that can give the employer an idea of ​​how you are as an employee - e.g. how you collaborate with others and handle time pressure.

For some jobs, an assessment day is a part of the recruitment process. Not nearly all processes contain assessment days.

The purpose is often the same: Making the employer able to find the most fitting employee in this particular job.

That can be done in many different ways but the assessment day setting gives the opportunity for the employer to see you in action as opposed to being told what you can do.

Assessment days - Monika's experiences and advice for you

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Assessment days - Monika's experiences and advice for you

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