Well-being and support offers

Well-being and support offers

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Some of the pages linked below are available only in Danish, despite the offers being accessible to international students. In these cases, we recommend using a browser with a built-in translation feature.
There are people ready to help you
Offers in your student city
Explore support offers in your municipality
Your municipality can provide additional support offers, for instance: housing, home care, leisure activities and so on. You must have a CPR number to apply and be considered for the support offers.
Explore the offers your municipality withholds by visiting its' webpage:
- Aalborg: aalborg.dk
- Copenhagen: kk.dk
- Esbjerg: esbjerg.dk
International House
In Aalborg, Copenhagen and Esbjerg you can also contact your International House:
- Aalborg: www.ihnd.dk
- Copenhagen: www.ihcph.kk.dk
- Esbjerg: https://esbjerg.eu/new-in-esbjerg/newcomer-service/international-house
Your International House is a department within your municipality that can provide information and guidance on different topics - for instance how to settle in, job and career and much more.