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HomeChoices along the way and jobs

AAU Career E-learning

Online course about job and career

This course gives you knowledge and tools to advance your career. Perhaps you want to find a student job, or you need to apply for an internship or your first job after graduation. No matter your situation, the career counsellors at AAU have designed the course in a way that will help you in the process.

Go to AAU Career E-learning

AAU Career E-learning

Online course about job and career

This course gives you knowledge and tools to advance your career. Perhaps you want to find a student job, or you need to apply for an internship or your first job after graduation. No matter your situation, the career counsellors at AAU have designed the course in a way that will help you in the process.

Go to AAU Career E-learning

What will I gain from taking the course?

The course will take you through all the themes you have to go through when working with your career. It contains both great knowledge and exercises where you develop your own knowledge.

The course consists of 7 modules. You can go through the entire course or only take what makes sense to you right now. You can always come back later and continue.

You can jump as much around as you like to – but we recommend that you complete the whole course.

Who can take the course?

All students at AAU with a valid AAU-login can attend the course.

When graduating, you will be able to attend approx. 2 months after your final exam. That is when your login expires.