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HomeStudent life and well-being

Experienced offensive behaviour?

Everyone should feel safe at AAU. We strive for respectful and comfortable study- and work environments, and expect the same from all students and staff. If you have experienced offensive behaviour, we encourage you to reach out to AAU Student Guidance regardless of the character or magnitude of your experience. We take all matters seriously and deal with them in confidence.

Find AAU's Code of Conduct and learn about good study culture

Experienced offensive behaviour?

Everyone should feel safe at AAU. We strive for respectful and comfortable study- and work environments, and expect the same from all students and staff. If you have experienced offensive behaviour, we encourage you to reach out to AAU Student Guidance regardless of the character or magnitude of your experience. We take all matters seriously and deal with them in confidence.

Find AAU's Code of Conduct and learn about good study culture

What kind of offensive behaviour have you experienced?

Offensive behaviour is conduct from others that you consider degrading, abusive or inappropriate. Below we have briefly defined different kinds of offensive behaviour. The list is not exhaustive.

Need help?

How quickly you need help often depends on the nature of your experience. We have categorised various counselling options below.

Everyone should feel safe at AAU

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Everyone should feel safe at AAU

AAU’s rules concerning offensive behavior

Should you inform your study about your experience?

Our recommendations if you have experienced an offense

Guidelines for offensive behaviour

At AAU we will not accept offensive behaviour. You will find the university's policy on offensive behaviour in the AAU Handbook.