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Generative AI at AAU

Published online: 30.05.2023

Digital tools and services based on generative AI, such as ChatGPT, can be a valuable and useful resource for students. However, there are several considerations that you need to be aware of tha regulate and guide how to use generative AI in a responsible and critical manner.

IT tools

Generative AI at AAU

Published online: 30.05.2023

Digital tools and services based on generative AI, such as ChatGPT, can be a valuable and useful resource for students. However, there are several considerations that you need to be aware of tha regulate and guide how to use generative AI in a responsible and critical manner.

What is generative AI?

“Generative AI, also known as generative artificial intelligence, refers to a category of artificial intelligence techniques and models that are capable of generating new content, such as text, images, music, or even videos. Unlike traditional AI models that are designed for specific tasks or classifications, generative AI models have the ability to generate original content based on patterns and examples they have learned from training data.”
(OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (May 12 version) ChatGPT 3.5.)  

Generative AI services are based on a type of artificial intelligence that, with the help of input from a human or a system, can generate content such as texts, images, and speech. Since the launch of ChatGPT in 2022, the number of generative AI services has significantly increased, as has the number of users on these platforms..

Do you want to understand more about how generative AI works? Go through the AAU micro course 'Introduction to generative AI and ChatGPT'.

How can I use generative AI?

It is important that you, as a student at Aalborg University (AAU), are familiar with how you may and may not use generative AI services in connection with your studies. You should be aware that, as a general rule, it is not allowed to use generative AI during exams unless it is explicitly stated in the module description as an allowed aid. You can find the permitted aids in the module descriptions outlined in the academic regulations for your program of study.

Good (scientific) practices regarding generative AI

In general, good scientific practice dictates that you never present ideas or statements that are not your own without clear referencing. This also applies to the use of generative AI. It can also be useful to familiarize yourself with the three fundamental principles of good scientific practice: honesty, transparency, and accountability, as defined in the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2014).

Want to know more. Take a look at the webpages about generative AI at the University Library.

What should I pay special attention to when using generative AI platforms?

If you use generative AI and other online services, such as ChatGPT, the service provider will process your personal information, as well as potentially the input you choose to provide to the service.  

Inspiration for using generative AI

Generative AI can be a valuable resource in academic work. When used thoughtfully and responsibly, generative AI can greatly assist in understanding complex texts and help enhance your expertise.

You can use chatbots, for example, to:

  • Receive feedback on your written work
  • Summarize books and texts
  • Generate new ideas
  • Clarify concepts
  • Serve as an opponent in discussions

This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you're completely new to generative AI, you may find it beneficial to go through: