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Remember the forgotten

Learning portfolio

You need to hold on to the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout your time at university. There are various ways to do this. One way is to create a learning portfolio, that is meant to enable you to both reflect on and remember what you have learned. Here, you'll find some tips to help you get started.

Remember the forgotten

Learning portfolio

You need to hold on to the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout your time at university. There are various ways to do this. One way is to create a learning portfolio, that is meant to enable you to both reflect on and remember what you have learned. Here, you'll find some tips to help you get started.

With a learning portfolio, you will always be able to go back and see what skills and competencies you have – an invaluable tool you can use, for instance, when you have to apply for jobs.

We know it can be a lot - but it doesn't have to be complicated. And once you've started, it will be easier. You will thank yourself for it later on. Here, we will provide you some ideas about how to do it.

The portfolio is a tool to help visualise your learning for both yourself as well as for others.

What is a learning portfolio?

In a learning portfolio, you can document the work you have done and the knowledge you have gained. A learning portfolio can be a help to yourself now and later in your further academic and professional journey.

The personal portfolio

The personal portfolio is for your own use.
You can use it to know your own skills.

The presentation portfolio

The presentation portfolio is for others to see.
You use it to display your skills.

Use AI to find out how your projects can be relevant

Sometimes it can be difficult to see a connection between the projects you have done at AAU and how the project can be used for something outside the university’s academic arena. See how AI can help with just that.

See an example with helpful prompts