Your income while looking for a job
Unemployment insurance funds

Your income while looking for a job
Unemployment insurance funds

NB: Contact your unemployment insurance fund (UIF)
This page gives you an introduction to the Danish UIFs and benefits. If you are an EU citizen and entitled to receive unemployment benefit, this is relevant to you. Please contact a UIF to clarify your specific circumstances.
Financial security as a recent graduate
The Danish word “a-kasse” is an abbreviation for ‘arbejdsløshedskasse’ which means unemployment insurance fund (UIF). Most professions and trades have their own specialised UIF, and you can freely choose your UIF.
Depending on different things, if you become a member of an UIF, you may be entitled to an amount of regular income if you become unemployed. The UIF can give you time to look for the right job, pay your bills – and in fact help you find a job.
Checklist if you are eligible for unemployment benefits