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Exam nervousness

Do you often feel nervous or anxious before an exam? It is okay and completely normal. On this page, you can find applicable advice on dealing with your nervousness.

Exam nervousness

Do you often feel nervous or anxious before an exam? It is okay and completely normal. On this page, you can find applicable advice on dealing with your nervousness.

Exam nervousness

Manage your exam nervousness by talking about it with your fellow students.

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Exam nervousness

Manage your exam nervousness by talking about it with your fellow students.

Advise for you

Talk to a student counsellor

Exam nervousness and exam anxiety can be expressed in different ways and it is different from person to person what triggers the nervousness or anxiety. If you are in doubt about how you can work with your exam nervousness or anxiety, you can book a session with a student counsellor.

Contact the general student guidance.

Work with your nervousness