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Advice on note taking

It varies a great deal from person to person how we prefer to take notes, and how we get as much value as possible out of them. Is it better to write notes on paper or digitally? What is the best way to structure your notes? How do you find your notes again, when you need them? There is no right or wrong here - find some inspiration below.

Advice on note taking

It varies a great deal from person to person how we prefer to take notes, and how we get as much value as possible out of them. Is it better to write notes on paper or digitally? What is the best way to structure your notes? How do you find your notes again, when you need them? There is no right or wrong here - find some inspiration below.

Find your own style

It is an indispensable help for yourself to take notes while you are reading. It sharpens your understanding of the material and makes it easier for you to remember and maintain your newly acquired knowledge.

You probably have your own way of taking notes. This is fine. In fact, it is important to find your own style of note taking, as one technique may work for you, while it may not work for someone else. Here, we give you some great tips that may inspire you to improve your personal note taking technique.

Tips for note taking

We have collected the student counsellors' best advice on how to optimise and improve upon your own personal note taking technique.

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Tips for note taking

We have collected the student counsellors' best advice on how to optimise and improve upon your own personal note taking technique.

Inspiration for your note taking