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HomeStudent life and well-being

Well-being and support offers

As a student and young adult, a need for help or support in relation to your well-being, is completely normal. You can get help both at AAU and around your campus city. On this page, you can find out where to look for help — all offers are free for students.

Contact the General Student GuidanceContact your programme counsellorRead about your options for Special Educational Support (SPS)

Well-being and support offers

As a student and young adult, a need for help or support in relation to your well-being, is completely normal. You can get help both at AAU and around your campus city. On this page, you can find out where to look for help — all offers are free for students.

Contact the General Student GuidanceContact your programme counsellorRead about your options for Special Educational Support (SPS)

There are people ready to help you

Offers in your student city