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AAU is in favor of

Sustainable student life

At Aalborg University (AAU) there is a strong focus on sustainable solutions. On this page you can read how you can help make sustainability a natural part of your student life.

AAU is in favor of

Sustainable student life

At Aalborg University (AAU) there is a strong focus on sustainable solutions. On this page you can read how you can help make sustainability a natural part of your student life.

Your contribution to sustainability at AAU

Reduced energy consumption, waste sorting, sustainable construction and more wild nature are just some of the many initiatives in AAU's green transition. But as a student, there are also many ways you can contribute.

Here is a list of 11 ideas for a more sustainable student life at AAU:

  1. Cycle, walk or use public transport to the Campus.
  2. Bring your lunch in reusable containers.
  3. Bring your own water bottle and to-go coffee cup - and save money in the canteen.
  4. Print less – and on both sides of the paper.
  5. Hand in your reusable deposit bottles and cans in deposit containers.
  6. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  7. Buy your textbooks used and sell them on when you no longer need them.
  8. Borrow a raised garden bed in AAU's community garden and grow your own flowers and vegetables.
  9. Replace the seventh cup of coffee with a trip out into the fresh air.
  10. Minimize Zoom meetings by prioritizing physical meetings if your study group lives close to each other.
  11. Pick a sustainable – and free – bouquet of flowers at AAU's "Wild with Will" areas.

Sustainable Campus Forum

Did you know that AAU has a forum with the aim of inspiring and qualifying sustainability efforts at AAU? There are five seats for students in the forum, where you can come up with ideas and recommendations for how everyone at AAU can contribute to sustainable changes in the running of the campus.

Did you know that...

AAU recycles approx. 500 tons of waste per year? When we sort waste, we contribute together to making a big difference to the climate.

Where do I sort my waste at AAU?

At AAU, we take responsibility for our own waste. Therefore, we all have to dispose of our own waste using the waste sorting system at AAU.

  • Paper: Sorted into paper containers in your nearest printer room.
  • Bio, plastic and residual waste: Sorted in the triple bins in the common areas.
  • Flamingo, cardboard, metal, glass and pizza trays: Sorted in dedicated containers in waste rooms - indoors or outdoors depending on your location. Find the nearest waste room/area via AAU Maps.
  • Deposit bottles and cans: Sort in deposit containers near the triple bins.

Q&A about waste sorting
