Taking a break from your studies

Taking a break from your studies

In need of assistance?
If you need help figuring out which type of break suits you best, or if you have questions regarding leave of absence, notification of illness, or parental leave, then feel free to reach out!
You can contact your program's student counsellor, who can help you identify which type of break might be relevant for you. Find your programme's counsellor here.
You are also welcome to contact the General Student Guidance at AAU. They can help you figure out your options, what each of these involve, and what they might mean for your life as a student. Contact the General Student Guidance here.
Are you resuming your studies after a break?
If you have been gone from your studies for a while, e.g., due to leave of absence, illness or parental absence, it can be helpful to share your thoughts on, what it is like to be back. Therefore, we would like to remind you, that you can always write or book an appointment with the General Student Guidance, if you would like talk about your transition back to student life.