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From job ad to targeted CV and cover letter

Examples of CV and cover letter

Decode the job ad and target the CV and cover letter - that is the career counsellors' best advice for you who are looking for a job or project-oriented course (internship) in Denmark. But that may be easier said than done. Therefore, on this page you can see a concrete example of to do it. We guide you through it all.

How to make your CV the Danish wayHow to make your cover letter the Danish wayHow to decode the job ad

From job ad to targeted CV and cover letter

Examples of CV and cover letter

Decode the job ad and target the CV and cover letter - that is the career counsellors' best advice for you who are looking for a job or project-oriented course (internship) in Denmark. But that may be easier said than done. Therefore, on this page you can see a concrete example of to do it. We guide you through it all.

How to make your CV the Danish wayHow to make your cover letter the Danish wayHow to decode the job ad

Guide step by step

How to apply for a job in Denmark

The example

Fictitious Vilmar, an international AAU graduate, is applying for a job in Denmark based on his education in engineering.

In the videos above, we show you how he decodes the job ad and uses it to write a targeted CV and cover letter.

Download the pdf which explains how Vilmar applies for the job.

You can also see some Danish examples here.